Saturday, November 2, 2019


Being a teen is the ability and time to find yourself from yourself and form yourself

If I must die, let it not be said that I die like a dog Ill-fated precarious death If I must live, let it not be said that I live like a donkey Struggling through tire-filled life If I must work, let it not be said that I worked like a bull Restless, insufficient work For the essence of life shall not be seen in being a servant to others Nor in the precarious fate, your soul is embattling with But in the goodness you sow, those you help uplift their glories those you help shape their life baring them from taking solace in knotted ropes This is the essence of life Not being a menace to other Or a tool to their miscreant(ed) ways Live a good life - so ye may be remembered with goodness!

Victor. A                              
