Friday, October 4, 2019


After quad breakout 2
Ascension into Heaven
After 40days

Parted from us like horse
Flying up like superman
Eyes gallivanting in sky for son of man
Beam injects myopia in sight of man
Farewell messiah of human
Au revoir retired Messiah of Nazareth
We dwell not in regret but target 
Flabbergasted for thou dissipated like vapor 
Emitted like myrrh odor 
Seems like electrifying tale lecture
Millennium traipse by
Hoping in hope for thee to pass by
Shall we behold thee in sky or death
Liege men flirt on earth
For acolytes plunge into tophet like downpour on earth
Greetings aged twelve
I've got nerve to serve thy twelve
Unveil my entreaty to creator
For He's our imitator
Even fornicator know messiah as solicitor

â’¸ Tazion

Guys you can also check out mind blowing poems HERE, HERE AND THERE
